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The Second Voyage

It was a beautiful day out today, and around lunchtime, so I headed out to the local Starbucks.

I arrived with no issues. Grabbed a drink and set up to draw.

My wife had helped me gather some reference images the night before, I pulled one up and started to draw.

The previous days I had practiced drawing a yelling profile pose. My first attempt had some issues. With the help of my wife and the CartoonBlock Crew Facebook group, I was able to get a decent yelling pose worked out. Because of this practice, I was able to complete the inking of the image of Hulk with a logo.

The success of my drawing of the Hulk drove me to see what it would cost to get him, and SpiderMan framed. I drove to Micheals and worked with them to create a composition for the matting, that would be the best compliment each image.

Little did I know that the experience I was going to have at Micheals was going to boost my motivation I was on from my recent success.

I headed straight back to the framing counter and where Emily greeted me. We first worked with SpiderMan looking to see what would be the right combination for him. Going with my suggestion of black matting with a red highlight, she then presented me with a frame would help compliment the SpiderMan theme.

Hulk was next, following the similar pattern that we just went through for SpiderMan we quickly had a combination with a green matt highlight and gamma radiation distressed frame.

While selecting the matting and frames for each sketch, she asked if I participated at any of the local comic cons. I currently don’t and mentioned that I was looking into the cost of setting up a table. She would be worth it, mainly since the target audience that goes to a comic con would be interested in the sketches that I had.

If that was not enough for me, at the end of the experience she had mentioned that she liked both Spidey and Hulk, which just made the day better. Due to the high from this experience, it is pushing me more to finish the Hulk sketch and create more drawings.